EYFS Application Tasks
Task 1 Video
Task 1: Consider how challenge can be built within children's counting experiences in EYFS, with an emphasis on developing an understanding of quantity.
Task 2: read this article, which explains the importance of children's finger discrimination skills, and this article which explains the different concepts that fingers can develop. Here are some Finger Discrimination tasks by Youcubed.
Task 3 Video
Task 3: The Progression in Pattern document maps out how children's understanding of pattern can be deepened. Consider children's experiences of creating patterns in the EYFS provision.
Task 4: Consider how the subitizing cards, subitizing games and part-whole cards from the Early Number Sense resources can be used to develop children's fluency with small quantities. Also, think about how the Number Foundations Assessment can be used to assess children's early number or identify specific teaching points.
Task 5: This NCETM video shows children being taught to use finger gestures with accuracy. This NCETM video gives a range of ideas for playing with numbers inside and outside in EYFS.
Task 6: Consider the development of visual working memory, as described in this document.
Task 7: Watch the video below about laying the foundations for problem-solving by re-proposing play and engaging children in sustained shared thinking and reflect on the implementation of the principles in your setting.